#TellEurope on social media: who won this round?

After a first debate in Maastricht, and a second in Florence, The main candidates to be the next president of the European Commission have held their final debate before the 2014 European Parliament elections yesterday.

The candidates are:

The debate, organised by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), took place in the chamber of the European Parliament in Brussels. It was moderated by the Italian journalist, Monica Maggioni.The debate displayed significant levels of engagement on social media (over 99.000 mentions of #TellEurope were recorded in the past 6 days on social media, of which almost 90.000 were recorded on 15 May).

Mentions of #tellEurope on social media 11-16 may 2014

In terms of Twitter mentions yesterday’s debate doubled the debate in Maastricht (90.000 mentions yesterday vs 47.000 in Maastricht).

Comparison of #Eudebate2014 mentions VS #TellEurope

Almost all mentions were retrieved from Twitter. It is also worth mentioning that 149 blogs articles have quoted the hashtag during this timeframe.


Below you will find a wordcloud and a list of the most mentioned set of words together with #TellEurope on 15 May 2014.

mmmMapping of #TellEurope on 15 May

CaptureUPDATE 20 MAY

Tsipras was the most tweeted leader according to Eurovision’s analysis, trumping Martin Schulz (PES), Guy Verhofstad (ALDE), Jean-Claude Juncker (EPP) and Ska Keller (Greens).


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