Contribution to ran spotlight on ukraine

There is growing concern among policy makers and practitioners alike about the potential security impact of the war in Ukraine on the EU and its Member States. With the propagation of mis- and disinformation about the war, the large scale migration of refugees to neighbouring countries, the flow of ‘foreign volunteers’ to Ukraine to fight on both sides and a growing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, many experts believe it is giving new opportunities for extremists and terrorists to radicalise and recruit.

In this Spotlight, leading experts analysing the conflict and practitioners from the RAN network, share their insights about first-hand experiences of the war and its potential consequences for preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) across Europe. This Spotlight includes content on community sentiments towards the war, emerging narratives around migration and refugees, evolving disinformation narratives and
the foreign volunteer challenge

I was happy to contribute to this publication with an article on “Migration narratives and their governance: Essential to understand for better communication”

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